About Us

Founded in 2024 by Kai Wang, a former AI engineer and investor, the Society for Baroque Revival is a New York City-based non-profit organization (501(c)(3) status pending). We are dedicated to refocusing societal attention on the richness and complexity of ordinary human life in an era marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting ideological landscapes. Drawing inspiration from the humanist spirit that flourished during the Baroque era, we aim to foster a culture that celebrates the inherent value and diversity of individual experiences.

Our mission is to promote the understanding that grounding our cultural, intellectual, and technological endeavors in the lived realities of human experience is essential for navigating the challenges of our time. By supporting artists, thinkers, and educators who embrace this perspective, we strive to counter the appeal of totalizing ideologies and ensure the development of transformative technologies aligns with human values.

The very first project the Society for Baroque Revival undertook is "Picturesque Shakespeare," which seeks to create visually striking and emotionally engaging still images to highlight the enduring relevance of Shakespeare's works in capturing the essence of human experience. Through this initiative, we aim to engage diverse audiences and inspire a renewed appreciation for the Bard's timeless insights into the human condition.

Join us in reviving the Baroque appreciation for the extraordinary within the ordinary, as we work together to create a future that prioritizes human flourishing and safeguards the complexity of the human experience. Together, we can build a world that embraces the richness of our shared humanity.